Reading to Your Little Ones: Some Helpful Tips for Parents

SM10Nurturing reading in your kids gives them the enthusiasm and discipline to embrace a wonderful art form and skill in their lives. The earlier you start, the faster their reading abilities will grow at an early age. It not only puts them ahead in terms of brain development, but it also instills an earnestness to learn.

As a parent, it is important to be involved in teaching your kids how to read. Begin reading to them early in their baby years and develop reading time into an interactive experience where they read to you as well.

Below are a few tips for the best ways to read to your children:

  • Make it short and simple. Do not expect your little ones to listen to a very long story or understand those with complicated words. Keep it short and simple so it keeps them engaged.
  • Let your toddlers be. They will inevitably want to play and squirm around, so be patient and let them move. Continue reading because they will continue to listen even despite their constant movement
  • Choose entertaining books. Engage the attention of your little ones with books that offer pictures or any entertaining features like pop-ups or pullouts.
  • Add personality to your voice. For example, if the character is quirky, use a quirky voice to accompany their lines.
  • Sing a song or recite a poem. These will help your little ones retain what you are reading. With a song or a poem, they can sing or recite along. Plus, it will be more fun for both of you.
  • Ask questions. Make it more engaging for them. After a few sentences, ask them a question like what is the color of the character’s shirt or what are they doing?
  • Let them read along. If your little one can read, let them read along with you. Choose books that have short and simple words.
  • Snuggle together. Choose a place where you and your little one can snuggle while reading. This will keep them more engaged and also create special bonding time for you.
  • Choose the best time. Nighttime tends to be the best time to read to them because they are more likely to sit and listen when they are sleepy.
  From the bottom of our hearts, we are grateful for Minnieland Ashbriar.

--Stephanie and Leandro A., parent at Minnieland Ashbriar


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